Being in a wholesale setting is very different than a retail one. It is slower..we may make 20-30 sales at a wholesale show versus a hundred at a retail show. The biggest difference for me is being in an aisle that is all clay artists. At this past show there were 5 rows of clay artists. It's very strange for me to be among all that clay, booth after booth. As I walked the show with Xan we found that we could get through about a row and half before we were saturated with that one element wether it was glass, clay, or jewelry. It is very fun however to hang with your peers and a lot of talking shop happens between customers.
We were across from two wonderful women Rebecca and Kristen. Rebecca started her own studio called R.Wood Studio. They hand build real fun function pottery in a variety of great colors. Rebecca is one of these people who wants to get the word out about peace, love, and beauty. She emanates it all. As soon as I have a minute I am going to put her link in my side bar. So keep an eye out over there for her! These are pictures of the clothing that she was wearing. The skirts are polartec that she has appliqued.
These are pictures of Xan working for two of her clients.
It was a fun and profitable weekend. So far so good...