Last night as Michael was packing our bags and the girls are running around collecting their stuff I called the airline to confirm our reservation. I found out that I had made a mistake and instead of leaving at Friday at midnight we are really leaving Saturday at midnight. Oops. I guess I really did need a vacation.
Now back to our regular scheduled post....
One day on our trip we went South to Tubac and then on to Nogales, Mexico.
Tubac is an artists communtity that has it's origins in an old border fort town. Our friends had never been there so off we went. We brought a packed lunch and everyone ate in the van when we got there. The main village in Tubac is a bunch of adobe type buildings that are all tourist stores and art galleries. It was fun to walk through them and look and see what Southwest artists are up to. The one thing that really caught my eye is the art by this woman who manages Cirque de Soleil in Las Vegas. Think that style in figure form. I'm sorry I have no name or pictures but we've all got good imaginations, eh.
Xan felt like we should take a tour of the old presidio so off we went. This is a picture of she and her friend Kelly goofing off in school.
We had had enough of window shopping and playing tourist in Tubac so off we head to Mexico.
We walked around Nogales and did some shopping. Xan bought a cowboy hat, she's a regular vacquero now. Artie bought a red shirt for $4 that say's "pirates rock". Now Nogales is the border town of Mexico and Arizona that is just South of Tucson. We use to go there a couple of times a year when we lived in Tucson. Let me tell hasn't changed much. It's still a dirty border town full of tourists and tourist trap shops. I think it was quite an eye opener for Miss Xan. We ambled around for an hour or so and then started asking the locals for suggestions for dinner. We ate at a great local joint called La Posada. This is us having a fun meal.
It was yet another fun day of vacation and this time we all (8 of us because Beth had to leave early to be home for a Girl Scout cookie pick up) squished into the Vanagon and drove off north toward the Tucson city lights.