Thursday, November 20, 2008

...while working away in the window.

Here it is clay fans Michael's first load of art that he is firing in his kiln. It's up. It's running. And he looks like a happy camper. (Personally I think that he is the own inspiration for his artwork.)We are off to Cincinnati, OH tomorrow for an art show. It feels good. As funny as it may sound there is a comfort in knowing that we are getting ready to go on the road. It's what we do. It's the rhythm of Terra. It feels routine and normal.
This past weekend we set up at the neighborhood coffee bar, Etcetera. It was fun to experience the rhythm of the coffee clutch crowd and we got to meet many new friends. This is a picture of the lovely Johanna. She owns the place with her husband, Allen.They are Paducians who decided to invest in Lowertown and what a grand place they have created. Their daughter, Jean, helped them design the bar. Jean was working and I got to hang out with her. She has a bunch of tattoos and when I was looking at a ring of vegetables going around her arm she explained to me that they were all the vegetables that she thought were good to put in a salad. I'm thinkin' that there is a lot to love about this young woman!!! She even has a tat of a clementine behind her ear. What is not to admire about that?!
It was a heart filled day. With new people to meet, Johanna made us dinner, Allen made us laugh, and Michael got to drink all the coffee that he could possibly hold while working away in the window.


Patience-please said...

Have a great trip.
Then we must get together.

david a said...

forgot to talk to you for a while and had to spend at least an hour to catch up a year. Time well spent, but where was the coffee?

just tonight, at a parent meeting, a friend said when she went to school in michigan people thought she was stupid because she had a southern accent.

Life is full of funny surprises, if your lucky... If your not lucky, they're not funny.

love to all

David A.

Scout said...

you have such a fresh & soothing writing voice. thanks!
caramel & scout