Friday, August 11, 2006

life is moving along...

Soon I have to go and pack up the car. We are off to Rutland, VT for an art show this weekend. Funny, it feels like we haven't done a show in a long time. We put so much energy in preparing for the wholesale show that we did in Philly last month that I feel it's been ages since we've set up shop.
It should be a fun weekend. I'm picking up girl #2 from her a stay with Granny. We will meet 1/2 way in NH at LLBean and do some shopping. A friend of ours is also in the show and we'll have dinner with her and her boyfriend on Sat. night. Girl #2 and the boyfriend are thick as thieves and always spend our dinners together drawing all over the table and making up jokes together. They particularly like to create sculpture with their food.
Yesterday my brother-in-law got a call from our lawyer. It seems that horrid sister wants to know who her brother's are hiring to come to mom's house and pick up their inheritance. WHAT??? Yeah, we think we'll hire each other. This is a woman who has moved a lot and every time has hired a service to do it for her. We do not hire people to move us, we do it ourselves. (ah, the lives of the poor and infamous) It does put us on edge, though. It makes us wonder what's she up to? Our lawyer thought it was a very strange thing to ask and is going back to the other lawyer to find out what's going on.
Girl #1 got a job out on Lopez. She's working the morning shift doing daycare at the Family Resource Center. I'm proud and sad. She is probably staying.
The weather has finally cooled off. We have turned off the air conditioners and have all the windows open. It's nice!!
Oh, the rodent in our is a wasp nest. Hard to believe but true. They sounded just like a rodent scratching...weird!!
Roger, who I told that I was glad I hadn't seen him in so long, put some poison at the hole under the roof and they are dead. No more scratching, no more wasps, I am sleeping better and life is moving along.....

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