Monday, March 03, 2008

...a bigger sense of humor and a stronger back.

My camera shall be coming home this week. I hope the folks over at Kodak gave him a spa treatment and he feels refreshed and ready to snap away.
I've missed my camera.
Yesterday Michael and I went for a walk around our neighborhood to see how all the snow looked. We have got so much snow.
Let me describe my sidewalk to you.
We live on a corner (Oak & Elm). I live in the tree streets part of town.
We have alternate side parking and every morning we get up and move the van at 8am (except for Mondays which we sleep in). For some reason no matter what side of the street you have to park on that day all the snow plows dump the entire streets snow on the corner of Oak Street right in front of my house. Right on top of my daylillies. Every time they sprout their wee heads in May or June I am astonished to see them alive after being bombarded with tons of road salt for months on end.
Right now the snow bank on our Oak Street corner is about 6'wide and about 5'6" tall. I know the height well because it is as tall as me. I am right cranky about this. I tell you, if it snows again I will not be able to shovel onto our winter residence outside. I am not tall enough to heap it any higher. I am going to be might cranky!!!
We have a shovel wide narrow walkway between this monolith of snow and our house. Depending on the weather this narrow walkway varies between bumpy and treacherous. It's because our roof is slanted toward that side and all the snow falls off onto the sidewalk and if we are not 'johnny on the spot' and get to it right away sometimes it will freeze in place like it did two weeks ago. At the moment I feel like we are all hobbits going to and fro.
When I am re-united with my beloved camera I will take a picture and you can decide how much I am exaggerating.
I am so thankful that I am having the good sense of leaving this part of the country. I bequeath my winter snow pile to someone with a bigger sense of humor and a stronger back.


Ellen said...

For any of your blog readers who think you're exaggerating, I'm here to corroborate V's account of all of this snow. It feels more like Siberia here than upstate NY right now. The calendar says March, but it may as well be December. Eeks!

William F. Renzulli said...

We have no snow in Paduch. For the past several weeks only gray rain, almost daily. A rather unusual winter for us, BUT, it is better than all that snow.

Looking forward to your next visit.