I took the train home from our extended family's place. Xan called to tell me when they were entering the mountain range. "Just wanted you to know that we are goin' in, Mom. I'll call you on the other side." she gleefully yelled into the phone. About 4 hours later she called to say that they arrived safely on the other end. Michael told her to tell me that I would not have liked the shear drops off of the edge of the road. He's probably right.
So, they are there. They have moved into their room in Anita's house. Anita made them dinner on their first night (I love her already!). They have been to every official office in city hall, unpacked the van, met with the electric company, and have met with our contractor Duanne. Pronounced Dew-Ain-Uh (and take your time sayin' it).
I am here in Saratoga packing, packing ,packing. If you need any good shit come by my way because I have got a load of it that I am giving away. I could have kissed the feet of the woman that took that old junky kiln off of my back porch. Thank the gods for the recycling email group here! I post it and people email me that they want. And they will come and take it away. Oh how I love that group right now.
I've decided that this is my last move where I am packing up stuff all by myself. Every move that I have made with my husband (and there are many) I am the packer. From apartment to apartment in NYC, from NYC to Albany, NY, from Albany to Tucson, AZ, from Tucson to Lopez Island, WA, from Lopez to Saratoga Springs, NY, and from Saratoga Springs to Paducah, KY.
The next move (if we ever get our asses back to Lopez full time) I'm paying the well muscled professionals.
Welcome!!!! I can't wait to meet you all! Come over to the Stranded Cow on Sunday afternoon. I'll post the time on my blog. Best, Mary
Yep! That would be your van! Way cool! I am kind of a shy person, so tell the husband and the daughter that we "porch it" on Friday nights, with adult beverages! He is welcome to come share one with us if he would like. Glad that you are rehabbing yet another home here in LowerTown. My husband and I were here long before all of that started. I have raised 2 step-daughters and my son here and wouldn't live anywhere else. My house is the multi-colored wood frame, 2 doors down from the Renzullis. Will be anxious to meet you. Valerie
I haven't seen hide nor hair of Michael or Xan yet, but the van looks decidedly lighter in the ass end!!! We are up to our tiddleywinks in children and grandchildren, with the second set arriving today, bringing the total to eight. Lordy, they nearly out number the dogs!
staying calm (yah RIGHT!)-
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